Thursday, March 6, 2008

I've Been Tagged

The rules:

1. Pick up the nearest book (with at least 123 pages)
2. Turn to page 123
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the next three sentences
5. Tag 5 people

“What happened to it?” asked Mack.
“That’s what we don’t know,” said Ceese patiently.
Mack just sat there, looking back and forth between them.
“I was preparing dinner,” said Mrs. Tucker. “I checked in the fridge to make sure there was enough chili for the two of us, and there was.

Orson Scott Card is one of my favorite authors. I have read most of what he has written. This is a great book based on the story from Shakespeare "A Midsummer’s Night Dream".
Now most everyone I know well has been tagged. So I am picking people who I haven't met but have left messages on my blog. So if you ever come looking here again you are tagged.
Happy Reading!


Marylois said...

Wives and daughters is a wonderful book! You should try North and South but Elizabeth Gaskell too.

Marylois said...

Which of Thomas Hardy's books have you read? I enjoy "Far From the Madding Crowd" and "I just heard about The Greenwood Tree". I'm going to try that one next.

Jeanne said...

Far from the maddening crowd was the first I ever read, Them Tess of the Debervills(SP) The Mayor of Casterbridge, and Last the Return of the Native. I have the Book The Greenwood Tree. Then I'll listen to Jude the Obscure his last book.

Ginger said...

Okay, I finally had a chance to put up some lines from a book... I am so bad at these things! :-)